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Thanks and we’ll be in touch with you soon. Cheers!

In the meantime, here are some articles and other goodies that might be of interest to you:

Options Trading 101 Ebook

Volatility Trading Made Easy Ebook

Profit Tracking Spreadsheet

Best of Options Trading IQ

Options Trading 101
Everything You Need To Know About Iron Condors
Everything You Need To Know About VIX Term Structure
The Ultimate Guide To Double Diagonal Spreads
The Ultimate Guide To Bear Call Spreads
The Ultimate Guide To Calendar Spreads
The Ultimate Guide To Double Calendars
The Ultimate Guide To Put Ratio Spreads
The Ultimate Guide To Diagonal Call Spreads
Understanding Option Delta
Why Delta Dollars Will Change Your Option Trading Forever
OptionNet Explorer Review
Three VIX Trading Strategies
Market Chameleon Review
Selling Put Options
Trading Credit Spreads For Income
What Is The Dividend Discount Model?
Options Max Pain Theory
0 DTE SPX Options
Small Account Options Strategies
The Ultimate Guide To Implied Volatility
What Is A Calendar Spread?
Using Accumulation/Distribution And On Balance Volume To Spot Market Strength
The Beginners Guide To Option Greeks
Understanding and Trading the VIX – Your Ultimate Resource
26 Ways To Beat The Market Using Technical Analysis
How To Trade Volatility – Chuck Norris Style!
How Much Do You Need To Start Trading Options?
Using Directional Butterflies to Protect Iron Condors
The Wheel Strategy
Option Assignment and Exercise
How Does Index Option Settlement Work?
Index Options and ETF Options
Make Vega Your Friend
Gamma Risk Explained
Are You Shark Bait
Interactive Brokers Risk Navigator Tutorial
How Does SVXY Work?
The Stock Repair Strategy
20 Essential Skills for Traders

  1. Anonymous says:

    Good day Gavin,
    Thank you for the resources.
    I sent you an email, but haven’t received a reply nor any further correspondence since registering on the site.
    Could you check to see if you’ve received anything from me?
    Regards, Ken

    1. Gavin says:

      Hi Ken, just replied to your email now. As you can imagine, I get a lot of emails so took me a day to get to yours.

  2. mile says:

    Hi, thanks a lot on such a great stuff I highly appreciate that. It will help a lot to clarify some uncertainties about complex options background.


    1. Gavin says:

      You’re welcome Mile, glad I could help.

  3. Chuck says:

    Hi Gavin,
    Thanks so much for all the material. I just registered for 2 items, the “volatility” pdf, and the “10 part IC course”. I responded to both confirmation emails, but only one (the “volatility”) led thru to a downloadable item. For a moment it looked like the 10-part course was going to work similarly, but then it disapeared and I cannot find my way back. Help?

    1. Gavin says:

      Hi Chuck, the 10 part iron condor course is an email course that has a new lesson every second day. You should get Lesson one tomorrow.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hi, Gavin
    Thx for the e-books!!

    1. Gavin says:

      You’re very welcome! Hope you enjoy them.

  5. Anita says:

    Thank you for the free information and these articles.

    1. Gavin says:

      You’re welcome Anita. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

  6. Johnson says:

    Hello Gavin thank you for the resources.

    1. Gavin says:

      You’re very welcome. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

  7. Joe Eosco says:

    Thank you very much
    We are trying to trade options we are retired and trying to be happy with our life

  8. wayne warling says:


  9. Francesco says:

    Hi Gavin,
    I didn’t receive any email for the coaching list.
    I only received emails for your other lists.
    Can you please check, otherwise you could lose subscriptions and hence money.
    Just gained a fre spot on your couching? 🙂
    Best regards
    Francesco Pirrone

    1. Gavin says:

      Thanks for letting me know. 🙂

  10. OSEI KWAME says:

    I very love so to start

    1. Gavin says:

      Here is a great place to start if you’re a beginner.

  11. Will says:

    I just want to concentrate in earning trade, what is your advice?

  12. Kevin says:

    Hi Gavin, I’m wondering how you monitor performance when using IB. For example, If you enter an IC as two spreads, there’s no way to combine them after entry. In addition, it doesn’t note the premium received as a potential gain.
    As a result, the only way I can think of is to create a spreadsheet with the payoff diagram and table with the premiums from the filled trade. I can’t imagine how you can monitor a number of trades in real-time without some kind of system that supplements what comes with TWS.
    Looking at MTM unrealized P/L during the day is a bit misleading unless the underlying is moving dramatically closer to one of the strikes. How do you keep track? Thanks!

    1. Gavin says:

      Hi Kevin,

      You can actually track an iron condor as one line item in Risk Navigator by setting it up as a spread rather than the individual strikes. Where it gets annoying is if you make adjustments, IB doesn’t take into account the realized gain. In that case I track manually in excel. You can also use Option Net Explorer.

      I’m also working on an Excel based solution and hope to be able to provide some more details on that soon.

  13. Michael Austin says:

    I hope I am doing this right. I just got back to this venue and noticed I did not reply (I am doing that now) as per request. The material you have dropped in my lap is like an early Christmas. Don’t know if I am getting it all as you have to have time to work and read your way through this stuff to understand what I know already vs stuff that will require time to digest. Thank you for the everything. I will take some time to digest this so don’t expect my instant response time. Looking forward to working with you (hopefully soon but I have to prioritize and finish other commitments …. you know the drill I am sure.

    Thanks again
    Mike Austin

    1. Gavin says:

      Sounds good Mike.

  14. Asterios says:

    I have $200,000 invested on SPY. If I use the WHEEL approach, selling cash secured puts at 15-20 delta and covert calls if assigned, I will have ideally a 20% return a year. By turning the capital 3 times a week, SPY has 3 expirations a week, I will have the compounding effect to my favor and since I would use low delta low risk and low time exposure. In addition, I will probably be out of the market the night after expiration, farther reducing my risk exposure.
    It looks that I would have a higher return this way than buy and hold, without any additional risk. It seems that I would reduce my risk in the expense of missing explosive moves to the upside.
    Am I missing anything? Doesn’t that beat by and hold SPY?
    Thank you.

    1. Gavin says:

      In theory yes, but as you know the market doesn’t always co-operate. 🙂

      I would suggest using Option Net Explorer to back test various periods (2008, March 2020 etc.)

  15. Oxana says:

    Wow, the Excel looks fantastic. Thank you so much, Gav!

    1. Gavin says:

      You’re welcome!

  16. GARRETT HICKEY says:

    Terrific and many many thanks GAR

  17. Jason says:

    I joined and also confirmed the email; but I can’t download any. After I clicked the link, it always looped back to the join popup window. Any help?

    1. Gavin says:

      Just sent you an email.

  18. Anonymous says:

    thank you so much gavin..

  19. rajesh malhotra says:

    hello gaVIN

    i have found success with butterflies theta positive using either vaolatily crush or volatility expansion you dont seem to have a course on butterflies why is that


  20. Pheaktra sone says:


  21. Clive Richards says:

    Thanks Gavin.

    1. Gavin says:

      You’re welcome.

  22. Abdul says:

    Hi Gavin,
    Thank you for the free information and these articles.

    1. Gavin says:

      You’re welcome.

  23. Clive says:

    Hello Gavin thanks for being that beacon that guides is
    During the strading Storms…

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