
What Are The Objectives Of Portfolio Management?

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by Gavin in Blog
November 23, 2021 0 comments
portfolio management objectives

There are many different objectives that new investors try to achieve when acquiring portfolio management services. We discuss the main objectives of portfolio management.

This guide will focus on some of the most common objectives of portfolio management.


Sometimes investors also manage their portfolios individually, and there are many different strategies or objectives that can have a significant impact on your portfolio.

Portfolio management is one of the most important concepts to master to achieve long-term success when investing effectively.

We are going to discuss some of the most important tips that you might want to take advantage of as a new investor.

Having a diverse portfolio that is built for long-term growth can help you make investment decisions and ultimately grow your money.

One major factor that we’ll discuss throughout this guide is managing your risk.

No investor wants to have a portfolio that places their monetary capital at risk.

Having an increasingly diverse portfolio is a great way to reduce risk and increase the chances of long-term success.

Main Objectives Of Portfolio Management

In this section, we’ll start discussing some of the main objectives of portfolio management.

These will include some common investment strategies that experienced investors utilize to manage their wealth when investing in the market.

#1 – Risk Management

Most investors understand that their portfolio is a collection of different assets that you can invest in.

This can oftentimes be different stocks from various sectors of the market.

Investment portfolios can also include mutual funds or bonds as well.

The ultimate goal is to manage your overall risk effectively while still giving your portfolio the best chance of growing.

Diverse portfolios are usually much safer than portfolios that heavily rely on a single sector’s performance.

For example, take a moment to imagine that you have a portfolio based explicitly around the energy sector.

If that particular sector crashes due to a crisis of some sort, your portfolio may rapidly decline in value due to the bearish market fluctuations.

objectives of portfolio management

A diverse portfolio may lose some value, but by having funds invested in different sectors. You won’t have all of your eggs in a single basket.

In other words, you have unrelated assets to the energy sector so that those assets won’t decrease in value due to the crash.

Investors of all skill levels are always looking for new creative ways to manage their portfolios.

Some investors specifically focus on dividend-based strategies, while others look at long-term growth factors.

There are so many different investment strategies you can integrate into portfolio management.

The number one factor is to manage your risk effectively so that you don’t end up losing all of your money.

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#2 – Long-Term Portfolio Growth

One term that you’ll hear within the investment industry when planning out your future is your investment’s time horizon.

This term relates to the amount of time you think you want to invest your money before redeeming your profits or losses.

Most investors have a long time horizon that extends over multiple decades.

As individuals get closer to their planned retirement age, the types of strategies that investors utilize in their portfolio management typically inherit less financial risk.

Investors that start managing their portfolio at a young age can take advantage of aggressive trading strategies.

They can include risky penny stocks, high-paying dividend yields, and other similar types of investments.

As investors grow older, they generally prefer less risk and acquire assets in their portfolios that ensure stability and less volatility.

#3 – Tax Planning

Managing your portfolio with specific investment strategies can be great for long-term tax planning.

This is especially true for investors that rollover 401(k) retirement accounts and pension plans into individual retirement accounts, also known as IRAs.

An IRA is generally recognized as a tax-deferred investment account.

One of the reasons these types of accounts are so popular is that you don’t have to pay taxes on any of the money until you withdraw it.

Taking all the money out at once can create a massive tax bill at the end of the year because it will boost your overall income tax bracket.

Investing and taking out a specific amount of money every single year based on your portfolio’s growth is a great way to grow your money and pay the minimum amount of taxes over the long term.

It isn’t always the top consideration on an investor’s mind when considering different ways to manage their portfolio, but it’s a great way to plan your taxes into the future and save you money in the long run.

portfolio management strategies

Other Objectives Are Also Important In Portfolio Management

Some investors may have alternative objectives when managing their investment portfolio.

Preserving wealth, increasing liquidity, and planning for long-term tax situations are only a few examples that might play into an investor’s decision making.

There are also many different types of portfolio management.

Passive portfolio management and active portfolio management are two different philosophies that investors can use when investing.

Active portfolio management typically involves day-to-day buying and selling of assets, while passive portfolio management mirrors what you’d find in a stock market index fund.

Final Thoughts

Many economic experts believe that managing a financial portfolio is a valuable skill that can only be improved with experience and knowledge.

Investors with years of experience can still struggle to understand important concepts related to managing a financial portfolio for long-term success.

It is incredibly important to balance out your risks and carve a pathway to growing your wealth for your appropriate time horizon without taking unnecessary risks with your money.

It might seem incredibly stressful even to consider the idea of managing your portfolio, but there are many professional financial advisors that can help you get started and guide you in the right direction.

You can always learn from experienced individuals and slowly develop your very own portfolio based on the skills you learn over time.

Trade safe!

Disclaimer: The information above is for educational purposes only and should not be treated as investment advice. The strategy presented would not be suitable for investors who are not familiar with exchange traded options. Any readers interested in this strategy should do their own research and seek advice from a licensed financial adviser.


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