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Warning: Please be sure to “whitelist” or “safelist” our email address – info (at) – or your email system might delete my emails as spam before you see them.
Thanks and we’ll be in touch with you soon. Cheers!
In the meantime, here are some articles and other goodies that might be of interest to you:
Volatility Trading Made Easy Ebook
Options Trading 101
Everything You Need To Know About Iron Condors
Everything You Need To Know About VIX Term Structure
The Ultimate Guide To Double Diagonal Spreads
The Ultimate Guide To Bear Call Spreads
The Ultimate Guide To Calendar Spreads
The Ultimate Guide To Double Calendars
The Ultimate Guide To Put Ratio Spreads
The Ultimate Guide To Diagonal Call Spreads
Understanding Option Delta
Why Delta Dollars Will Change Your Option Trading Forever
OptionNet Explorer Review
Three VIX Trading Strategies
Market Chameleon Review
Selling Put Options
Trading Credit Spreads For Income
What Is The Dividend Discount Model?
Options Max Pain Theory
0 DTE SPX Options
Small Account Options Strategies
The Ultimate Guide To Implied Volatility
What Is A Calendar Spread?
Using Accumulation/Distribution And On Balance Volume To Spot Market Strength
The Beginners Guide To Option Greeks
Understanding and Trading the VIX – Your Ultimate Resource
26 Ways To Beat The Market Using Technical Analysis
How To Trade Volatility – Chuck Norris Style!
How Much Do You Need To Start Trading Options?
Using Directional Butterflies to Protect Iron Condors
The Wheel Strategy
Option Assignment and Exercise
How Does Index Option Settlement Work?
Index Options and ETF Options
Make Vega Your Friend
Gamma Risk Explained
Are You Shark Bait
Interactive Brokers Risk Navigator Tutorial
How Does SVXY Work?
The Stock Repair Strategy
20 Essential Skills for Traders
Thank you Gavin!
I am working my way through your generous offering, , studying and learning. I am relying on safe options income to support my family beginning this year.
Happy new year.
Happy New Year Doug! Reach out any time with questions.
Hi Doug, did this plan worked out for you? I had more or less the same dream and a profound interest in option trading (still feeling overwhelmed….); I’ve been using the wheel strategy and initially it was a giant success and then; Dec. 21-Feb.22 I almost whiped out my complete account. I closed it with some last savings getting out and also ‘closed’ my dream to be a successful option trader (successful = being able to gain income for a moderate living).
I got up again and started studying again, back from scratch! Looking for a convenient, consistent trading method/plan now. This site has been of big value for me; thank you a 1000x Gavin; If you ever come over to Hasselt, Belgium you’ll be our precious guest 🙂
Gavin, I signed up for the video and left my mailadres interested in the coaching session you announced. No message in my mailbox; checked spam folder, nothing found.
Thank you, again; have a great day,
Hi Peter, thanks for your kind feedback. It looks like you email has been blocked for some reason. Please try using a different email address.
Hi Gavin,
I really appreciate your efforts and offerings on this website.
Course material is really good and most importantly it is free. I am making consistent money in short strangles and I trade only in Bank Nifty (Index-India), I am making 1.8% net profit per month on my capital.
But sometimes for one of the leg If market moves hugely then it shows virtual loss and then in fear i book the loss and later that leg expires ‘zero’, so I am working on -How to handle such scenarios.
Thanks Gavin!
Thanks for your options trading 101 Ebook.
You’re welcome. Let me know if you have any questions.
Gavin, It’s August of 2023 and I finely worked thru your training that I purchased in March of 2021. I am an experienced day/swing trader with a good track record of success. That success caused me to procrastinate in working through the material. Fortunately, I executed a couple of trades that wiped out halved my gains for the summer. I write “fortunately” because it was the best thing that could have happened to me for my trading. I said to myself there has to be a better way. I spent the entire weekend working thru your material and lectures. Your work is top shelf. I am so glad that I finally “took a bite of the apple” and ate the whole damn thing. Your instruction has completely revised my outlook on trading, I am more confident than ever before about my future path to becoming a more sophisticated trader. I can’t wait to get started. I have signed up for your next training session and I cannot wait to begin. In the meantime, I am telling anyone who has an interest in trading and is willing to listen about the quality of your instruction. I tell them it is the difference between playing golf with three clubs vs. playing with the whole bag of sticks. There is a place for the former, but the latter is always the best way to go. Cheers!
Thank you so much Wayne!! You made my day. Sorry to hear about your trading loss, but I’m pleased you are working through it with more tools at your disposal. Reach out any time with questions.
it is a breath of fresh air to have found your content Gavin. With all the people online claiming they can help you advance your trading skills if you pay for their mentorship, and after doing so only to find out that they were for of sh*t and can’t actually teach you anything. I have yet to find anyone who provides so much value and you aren’t charging a penny for it. Thank you for taking the amount of time you had to put out content that can help to change other peoples lives. I am curious if you ever offer any kind of 1 on 1 coaching, and if so, what it would cost to be able to have you as a teacher/mentor. I hope all is well in your world and again, thank you!
Thanks Andrew, that’s very kind. Unfortunately, I don’t offer 1 on 1 coaching, but I do run courses a few times each year. If you’re on my email list, you will get notified when the next enrolment period is open.
I’ve been reading and watching option trading videos to try to understand it, but it seems difficult to understand. I’ve just downloaded the option 101 book, I hope it will be easy to understand and implement. @Gavin I may need your assistance for this, I really want to get involved in options, though I make cool profits from stock trading.
Sounds good. I hope you like the book and feel free to reach out any time with questions.
Gavin, we had an email exchange some time ago.
Some Questions: Accelerator Program (yes, after enrollment)
q1) Can you comment upon past trades you helped to undertake, proof?
q2.1) Scanning for stocks taking into account Market Analysis/Sentiment, News/Announcement-Interest Rates (Fed), Geopolitics, Seasonality
Q2.2) OPTIONS Strategy: P/L-Risk analysis based on real-time charts (support / Resistance/ possible Gaps/ seasonality)
q3) Handholding & personal access is something YOU are the only one wanting to do is way beyond the $999, so this indirectly proves you are in for empowerment, teaching how to fish. Why would you want to impart so much of your expert knowledge? I know you were helped by someone who took you under his wing and got you where you are now. What is the catch? Am I missing something? Setting the right expectations is vital for a long and good partnership. Input will be appreciated before ACC starts
Hi Shabaz, there is no catch. I love teaching and enjoy watching others grow and develop. Yes, all past trades are archived. Yes, I show you how to scan for stocks to find option ideas.
Anxious to get implemented
Awesome. Reach out any time with questions.
Which options simulator would you recommend, the ones I’ve looked at are all trying to get me to begin trading instead of first focusing on walking me through some paper trades first.
Option Strat or OptionNet Explorer
I want this book
Thank you!
Do you offer discord services?
Yes, as part of my Accelerator Program –
I am just getting started with options. I think you can help me become a trader.
Happy to help. Email me any time with any questions.